I'm a semi-pleasant, mostly introverted human from the planet earth. My hobbies include the internet (yes, all of it), poor grammar, and mild obsessive behavior. In my spare time away from the internet I'm a stay at home mom that watches too much netflix. I have an associates degree in social awkwardness, and am considering going back to school for my BA in the subject. My main substances for survival are chai tea lattes, Star Trek and sarcasm. I'm not entirely sure how serious this about me paragraph should be, so I'm going to keep this pretty formal. I once wrestled an a bear in a costco, it was stuffed, I lost. My natural enviroment is wandering the aisles of Target, if you see me at a Kohl's just assume I have Kohl's cash or I got lost on my way to Target. The Target cashier once asked me "Is this it? You really must be tired." My main aestetic is cats reading books, multi-chrome and ironic unicorns. If I had to describe myself in three fictional characters it would be Wednesday Addams, Daria Morgendorffer and Captain Janeway. The color of my soul is muted plum, at this point I'm just writing things to fill in the space to make sure the CSS code works properly.